Azulis Capital, your partner to change dimension

Azulis Capital supports high-potential SMEs providing equity funding to accelerate dimension change and facilitate transition by committing to environmental and social responsibility.

/Le regard d'Azulis

Issue 10 (December 2024)

La CSRD : défis et opportunités pour les PME

Le regard expert : les bonnes pratiques pour anticiper les exigences de la CSRD

La Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) marque un tournant majeur dans le reporting extra-financier européen. Elle impose aux entreprises de repenser en profondeur...
12/09/2024 Read the article

Fleury Michon fait de la CSRD un levier de transparence et de performance durable

Alors que de nombreuses entreprises françaises s'interrogent sur la mise en œuvre de la Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), certaines se sont déjà penchées...
12/09/2024 Read the article



Le groupe Next Pack, holding de contrôle du Groupe Fidel Fillaud poursuit son développement avec l’acquisition d’Inapa Packaging France, filiale du groupe portugais Inapa dédiée à la distribution d’emballages en France. Inapa Packaging...
12/17/2024 Read more

2024 CSR report

Azulis Capital publishes its 2024 CSR report. Download the PDF report in the section Responsible investor.
12/02/2024 Read more


Le groupe Wichard, équipementier mondial dans le secteur du nautisme pour les bateaux de plaisance a reçu le prix Small Cap International lors des Grands Prix CF News de la Croissance Externe Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 2024, le 19 novembre à Lyon. Ce prix...
11/19/2024 Read more


focuses on french middle market companies with growth potential

We offer buyout or expansion capital schemes to middle market companies with an enterprise value of €20 million to €120 million, with a priority on companies worth €30-€80 million, that are:
- independent, and most often family-owned companies
- managed by dynamic entrepreneurs
- usually with a leading position in their market segment
- with a proactive business plan, and a hub potential around which to structure other businesses
- willing to engage in measures to promote CSR.

  • We support the management team over a period of four to seven years. Our ambition is to significantly increase the value of the company by improving both its financial and non-financial performance.
  • We ensure that management maintains its managerial autonomy and benefits from profit-sharing incentives. We encourage the development of staff profit-sharing in the company.
  • We provide tailor-made solutions to enhance the company’s development capacity.
  • We place high value on management becoming shareholders in the company.


supporting entrepreneurial projects with our sector know-how and experience

Health & Personal Services

Business Services

Food & Beverages


A dedicated two-member team of professionals studies each deal opportunity using a double-sided approach combining a sector-based assessment with an in-depth financial review.

We invest as lead or co-lead investor in:

  • leveraged buy-out transactions
  • growth financing
  • capital replacement with leverage (owner buy-out) or not
